Board of Directors
Organization for pornography and sexual exploitation survivors (PAPS) aims to debate, to investigate, and to consider the variety of human-rights violations and sexual violence issues which are occurring through or affected by the production, distribution and consumption of pornography. We put our aim to appeal this issue to society widely as well as to carry out the support for the victims who are being hurt by the harms of pornography. People such as workers of women’s protection facilities, child home institutions, school social workers, professionals of university education, writers, lawyers who are knowledgeable in matters of sexual violence and sexual harm, supporting staffs of human-trafficking victims are participating here at PAPS. We make use of our special knowledge of each field in tackling the various matters of sexual violence.
Chief Director
Ms. Kazuna Kanajiri
I’m involved in consultation support at PAPS. By the advent of the internet society, a different phase of sexual violence and sexual harm is now occurring.
I am confronting various issues of “digital sexual violence” such as consulting support for those who are facing difficult issues in adult video appearance and the sex industry, as well as consulting support for revenge-pornography/child-pornography. I am from a totally different field (network and systems engineer) from consulting support.
I want to make use of my background knowledge to tackle this issue.

Ms. Chiyoko Yokota (Director of the women’s protection facility Izumi-ryo)
Among the users of women’s protection facilities, there are women who were forced to see pornography by perpetrators. If they don’t comply with demands for humiliating sexual acts, they receive violence. There are increasing materials of the cruelty of tormenting women in the films of pornography. Women are forced to do the same things as those videos. Women are being placed in situations of domination. The activities of PAPS don’t overlook such things, but confronts the problems directly. Earnestly believing that someday this trend will change the society!

Megumi Oka
In a society where sexual exploitation is tolerated, even if you speak up, your voice will be denied and pretended it never happened. That is why we cannot speak out. While working as a consultant at PAPS, I have been collecting voices that have been blocked, one by one, and appealing to society through policy proposals and lectures. I will make society a place where people can say that sexual exploitation is an act of aggression. I want to create a society where people can ask for help when they need it.

Yudo Tsuneoka
In my day job, I only get to see the beautiful things on the surface when I interact with people. By being involved in social welfare, I was able to come into contact with the real world of human beings, including the suffering and joys of daily life, which I would not normally be able to see. I was fortunate enough to become involved with PAPS, and that world has expanded even further. I may not be fully aware of it, but I will learn little by little in the process. In that sense, I would like to continue to support them.